Welcome to pgn4people!

pgn4people is a demonstration, and proof of concept, of a new and better way to navigate complex chess games and repertoires. This web app allows you to play around with the pgn4people concept using a large, sample PGN file meant to simulate working with a large repertoire. Read more!

Variations Table

Flat restart icon Main Line Alternative Moves
💡 Click on a mainline move to see the position 💡 Click on an alternative to explore a different variation
1. Faux . . . Faux Faux Faux Faux Faux Faux Faux Faux
1. e4 . . . d4 c4 Nf3 b3 f4
. . . c5 e5 e6 c6 d6 g6 d5 Nf6 Nc6
2. Nf3 . . . Nc3 c3 d4 d3 f4
. . . d6 Nc6 e6 g6 a6 Nf6
3. d4 . . . Bb5+ c3 Nc3 Bc4 g3
. . . cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 a6 Nc6 g6 e6
6. Bg5 . . . Be3 Be2 Bc4 h3 f4 g3
. . . e6 Nbd7
7. f4 Qb6 Be7 Nbd7 Qc7 h6

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